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This is how good my well rooted plants look, dispatched to you ready straight away for potting in your finals NO PLUG PLANTS at my nursery
ALL CARNATIONS are priced at £4.50p FREE POSTAGE* TO THE UNITED KINGDOM *Subject to the minimum order
The Somerset Carnation Collection 10 plants of my choice (all different) giving you a wide choice of colour and with lots of fragrance. £38.50 **Please note, there will be approximately a 3-4 week delay on all orders placed from May 1st, as plants are a little behind due to the weather**
The Somerset Carnation Collection.
10 plants of my choice that will give you a wide colour range.
Picture for illustration purpose only.
Hybridised and bred by John Barrington at Newport Mills Nursery 2010
Angela Carol
Magenta self colour, with a gorgeous perfume. This exciting variety was raised here at my nursery.
A classy and elegant bloom unsurpassed in this colour range.
Ann Franklin Pure yellow ground with a delicate picotee edge of purple.
Lightly fragrant.
Annie Claybourne
A cerise self, of good form and robust growth.
Annie Harmer Unusual, bronze/yellow ground, edged and flecked crimson. A novelty shade.
A beautiful flower with a hint of scent.
Raised by M Woodfield 1986
Audrey Robinson
White background, with heavy purple markings. delightful flower with good fragrance.
Brilliant and dazzling colour combination.
Blackberry Ice
A lovely, highly scented 'sport' from the above, Audrey Robinson. Mauve ground with a heavily edged and flashed purple overlay.
Bob's Highlight
Azalea Pink ground, striped and flecked rose pink.
Bonanza *New*
Rich yellow ground, edged and flecked with crimson.
Raised and bred by Brian Yates 2013.
Gorgeous Lavender Pink colour that will enhance your collection with that sought after scent.
Clara's Choice *New*
Yellow base ground colour, streaked with red.
Hybridised and bred by John Barrington at Newport Mills Nursery 2011
Cranberry Crush
Pink base colour, flashed and peppered burgundy. A lovely heady fragrance from this bloom.
Stunning and unsurpassed.
Raised by Colin Short 1996
Crimson Warrior
Nice deep crimson colour with a subtle scent.
Bred by Colin Short 1984
Crompton Princess
Pure white self colour with fabulous fragrance.
Bred by M Allwood 1930s
Doris Allwood
French grey, striped rose pink, with a nice clean perfume.
Raised by M Woodfield 1996
Elsie Ketchen
Pastel green with a heady scent. A good robust plant.
Wonderful shade of green.
Emmeline Pankhurst
Palest pink flecked with a deeper pink. Lovely clean scent.
Superior and stunning. FRAGRANT
Raised and bred at Newport Mills Nursery by John Barrington 2012
Hybridised and bred by John Barrington at Newport Mills Nursery 2010
Eve's Holly Pure white with good scent.
Fragrance is unrivalled
Hybridised and bred by John Barrington at Newport Mills Nursery 2011
Fireside Scarlet red self with a slight scent.
Flo Franklin Unusual yellow/fawn ground, with a picotee edge of Purple. Delicately scented.
Hybridised and bred by Brian Yates in Southampton 2012
Gold Embrace Pure yellow self.
A gorgeous butter cream that carries some fragrance.
Slightly fragrant.
Raised by Kooij & Zonan 2004
Yellow self colour.
Raised by J.F. Sellars 1995
Irene Ann
Lavender self colour.
Raised by Woodfield Bros 1984
Jess Hewins
Darkest crimson self colour. Velvety with a clove fragrance.
Raised by T.E. Bradshaw 1974
Deep cerise self colour. Bursting with character.
Hybridised and bred by Brian Yates Southampton 2011
Julie Martin
Bright green, with some red markings. An appealing scented carnation.
Magnificent and outstanding.
Hybridised and bred by John Barrington at Newport Mills Nursery 2012
Just Jodie
Apricot base colour, edged & flecked rose pink.
Kristina Palest Lavender ground with a Violet pencilled edge.
Hybridised and bred by John Barrington at Newport Mills Nursery 2012
Lime Crush
Bright Lime Green self colour, with breath taking scent.
Bursting with charm.
Raised by C Short 2005
Manon de Sources
Apricot fancy, good robust plant.
Marilyn's Highlight
Azalea pink self.
Sweet delicate scent.
Mary Jane
A really unusual flower! A type of fawn colour base, overlaid and shaded with various pinky greenish tones, difficult to describe!
A subtle, clean scent
Hybridised and bred by Brian Yates in Southampton 2012. One of the very best Brian has raised.
Apricot ground, heavily edged and flecked red.
Hybridised and bred by John Barrington at Newport Mills Nursery 2011
Purple/grey base colour with neon pink flashes. Rich scented flower.
Raised by William Sim 1939 in the USA
If you want the perfect scented white, then this is the plant for you.
Sport of Doris Allwood 1934
Pink Doris
Deep rose pink self colour, with nice clean perfume.
Hybridised and bred by Brian Yates in Southampton 2012. Full of fragrance
Ringwood Belle
A very highly perfumed pleasing light pink colour that fades to near white at outer edges.
Grown from a seedling supplied by John Barrington and named by T Gillies 2008
Ruth Gillies
White base colour, edged and flecked pink. Good scented bloom.
This stunning fragrant scarlet was Hybridised and bred by Brian Yates in Southampton 2012
A magnificent perfumed scarlet self colour. Scarlet carnations usually have no scent but this exciting bloom carries a heady scent.
Royal Purple
Purple self colour.
Salmon Kiss *NEW*
An unusual buff Pink/Salmon colour. A lovely addition to the range.
Delicately Scented.
Hybridised and bred by John Barrington at Newport Mills Nursery 2011
Apricot base colour, edged and flecked watermelon pink.
Shanti *NEW*
An off-white ground flecked with random flashes of cranberry.
Sweetly Scented.
A lovely cerise self, strong growing with a delicate scent.
This show winning variety was Hybridised and bred by John Barrington at Newport Mills Nursery in 2011
Sweet Cecille
Gorgeous pink self with that magnificent fragrance as an added bonus.
A classy bloom in every respect.
Hybridised and bred by John Barrington at Newport Mills Nursery 2013
A very dark, aptly named purple self with a heady scent.
Hybridised here at the nursery and with the bonus of good fragrance.
Raised by C.H. Stringfellow 1993
Tony's Choice
Really strong crimson red self colour.
Alluring and exquisite. Faintly scented.
Raised by Kooij & Zonan 2004
Bright yellow base colour with red edges.
A real stunner.
Victoria Louise *NEW*
A creamy yellow base, petals very delicately edged with a lovely lilac pink.
Hybridised and bred by Brian Yates in Southampton 2012. The best fancy around
A brilliant yellow base colour flashed with red stripes. A delightful bloom.